Old Testament
OT 701 Hebrew Syntax & Reading
OT 702 Hebrew Exegetical Methods
OT 731 Hebrew Exegesis of the Psalms
OT 732 Hebrew Exegesis of Proverbs
OT 735 Hebrew Exegesis of Ecclesiastes
OT 752 Hebrew Exegesis of Amos
New Testament
NT 500 Gospel of Matthew: English Bible
NT505 Romans: English Bible
NT 527 Revelation: English Bible
NT 551 Life & Ministry of Paul
NT 702 Greek Exegetical Methods
NT 703 Greek Exegesis of Matthew
NT 705 Greek Exegesis of Romans 1-8
NT 731 Greek Exegesis of Ephesians
NT 732 Greek Exegesis of Philippians
NT 734 Greek Exegesis of 1 Thessalonians
NT 735 Greek Exegesis of 2 Thessalonians
NT 736 Greek Exegesis of 1 Timothy
NT 740 Greek Exegesis of James
NT 741 Greek Exegesis of 1 Peter
NT 742 Greek Exegesis of 2 Peter and Jude
Pastoral Theology
PT 500 Philosophy of Church Ministry
PT 520 Intro. to Biblical Counseling
PT 521 Foundations for Biblical Counseling
PT 522 Basics of Biblical Counseling
PT 527 Marriage & Family Counseling