Drs. Tim Miller and Mark Snoeberger
An exploration of the warrant for and competing models of Christian moral decision-making, together with a series of student-led class discussions of key ethical problems facing believers in today’s world.
Textbooks Required:
- Ethics for a Brave New World, 2nd ed., by John and Paul Feinberg, Crossway.
- Beyond Bumper Sticker Ethics, 2nd ed., by Steve Wilkens, InterVarsity Press.
- Principles of Conduct, by John Murray, Eerdmans.
- Divine Covenants and Moral Order: A Biblical Theology of Natural Law, by David VanDrunen, Eerdmans.
Textbooks Recommended:
- The Doctrine of the Christian Life, by John Frame, P & R.
- Christian Ethics, by Wayne Grudem, Crossway.
- An Introduction to Biblical Ethics, by David Jones, B & H.
- What Does the Lord Require? by Walter Kaiser, Jr., Baker.
- Christian Theistic Ethics, by Cornelius Van Til, P & R.
- Christian Ethics: Four Views, by Steve Wilkens, InterVarsity Press.