Senior Doctrinal Seminar
Pastor Ben Edwards
An interactive review of the major heads of theology. Emphasis is on dispassionate, analytical discussion of problem areas of theology with a view to the development of informed and accurate student doctrinal statements. Prerequisites: ST601, 602, and be within two semesters of graduation.
Textbooks Required:
Textbooks Recommended:
- Biblical Doctrine, by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue, Crossway.
- Christian Theology, 3rd ed., by Millard Erickson, Baker.
- Systematic Theology, 2nd ed., by Wayne Grudem, Zondervan.
- Systematic Theology, by Robert Culver, Mentor.
- A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, 2nd ed., by Robert Reymond, Nelson.
- The Christian Faith, by Michael Horton, Zondervan.
- A Theology for the Church, rev. ed. ed. Daniel Akin, Broadman.
- Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief, by John Frame, P&R.