Dr. John Aloisi

Associate Professor of Historical Theology

Dr. John Aloisi has taught church history at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary since 2010 and has served as the librarian at DBTS since 2001. He is currently Associate Professor of Historical Theology, Chairman of the Historical Theology department, and editor of the Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal.

Dr. Aloisi received his M.Div. and Th.M. degrees from DBTS. His Th.M. thesis explored the use of Psalm 110:1 in the early church. He earned a Ph.D. in historical theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, writing his dissertation on the role of ethical monism in the theology of Augustus Hopkins Strong.

Dr. Aloisi’s articles and book reviews have been published in magazines such as Frontline and The Christian Librarian and in numerous scholarly venues, including Detroit Baptist Seminary JournalJournal of Early Christian StudiesJournal of Ecclesiastical HistoryJournal of the Evangelical Theological SocietyTrinity Journal, and Westminster Theological Journal.

Dr. Aloisi and his wife Marcia have eight children. During his free time, Dr. Aloisi enjoys reading, home improvement, and wrestling with his kids.

Email: jaloisi@dbts.edu

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Selected Writings

Augustus Hopkins Strong and the Struggle to Reconcile Christian Theology with Modern Thought. University of Rochester Press, 2021.

“Augustus Hopkins Strong’s Attempt to Reconcile Orthodox Theology and Modern Philosophy.” Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 23 (2018): 87–103.

“Jacob Arminius and the Doctrine of Original Sin.” Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 21 (2016): 183–205.

Review of Tri-Faith America: How Catholics and Jews Held Postwar America to Its Protestant Promise, by Kevin M. Schultz. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 63 (April 2012): 433–34.

Review of 428 A.D.: An Ordinary Year at the End of the Roman Empire, by Giusto Traina. Journal of Early Christian Studies 18 (Fall 2010): 468–70.

“‘His Flesh for Our Flesh’: The Doctrine of Atonement in the Second Century. Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 14 (2009): 23–44.

The Paraclete’s Ministry of Conviction: Another Look at John 16:8–11. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 47 (March 2004): 55–69.


  • PhD, Historical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • ThM, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
  • MDiv, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary