Ben Edwards talks to Mark Snoeberger about how the sufficiency of Scripture relates to one’s view of creationism.
In this episode Ben Edwards talks to David Doran about the sufficiency of Scripture.
Ben Edwards and David Doran discuss applying the principles of separation to Christian fellowship.
In this episode Ben Edwards and David Doran discuss divergent views on the mission of the church.
In this episode Ben Edwards and David Doran discuss who is a conservative evangelical.
In this episode Ben Edwards talks with David Doran about the fruit of New Evangelicalism.
This week Ben Edwards talks with Matt Gass about way churches can improve missionary support.
In this episode Ben Edwards talk to Mark Snoeberger about the ordinances and protecting the gospel.
This week Ben Edwards talks to Tim Miller about his new book on echoes of Jesus in 1 Peter. You can purchase the book here.
On this episode Ben Edwards talks with Dr. Joel Beeke about the importance of seminary education. Dr. Beeke is the President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.