Systematic Theology III
Dr. Sam Dawson
A study of salvation, especially in its application; the origin and composition of the Body of Christ, as well as the composition, function and primacy of the local church; and a development of a premillennial, pretribulational understanding of the prophecies of Scripture. Prerequisites: ST500 and ST501.
Textbooks Required:
- A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity, vol. 3, by Rolland McCune, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. This title may be purchased from the DBTS office.
Textbooks Recommended:
- Christian Theology, 3rd ed., by Millard Erickson, Baker.
- Systematic Theology, by Robert Culver, Mentor.
- The Church in God’s Program, by Robert Saucy, Moody Press.
- Redemption Accomplished and Applied, by John Murray, Eerdmans.
- The End Times, by Herman Hoyt, BMH.
- The Cross and Salvation: The Doctrine of Salvation, by Bruce Demarest, Crossway.