Systematic Theology I
Dr. Mark Snoeberger
A study of material introductory to systematic theology, the Bible’s teaching concerning itself, the dispensational approach to Scripture, the existence and attributes of God, and the origin and ministry of angels. Prerequisites: ST500 and ST501.
Textbooks Required:
- A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity, Volume 1 by Rolland McCune
. This title may also be purchased directly from the seminary office.
- No One Like Him: The Doctrine of God (Foundations of Evangelical Theology), by John Feinberg
- The Doctrine of the Word of God, by John Frame
- Dispensationalism: Essential Beliefs and Common Myths, by Michael Vlach.
Textbooks Recommended:
- The Doctrine of God, by John Frame.
- Light in a Dark Place: The Doctrine of Scripture, by John Feinberg.
- Dispensationalism,
by Charles Ryrie.
- Covenantal and Dispensational Theologies: Four Views on the Continuity of Scripture, ed. Brent Parker and Richard Lucas.
- Angels Elect and Evil, rev. ed., by C. Fred Dickason.
- Biblical Doctrine, by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue.
- Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine.
- Christian Theology, 3rd ed., by Millard Erickson.