Sexual Identity and Orientation with David Doran
In this episode we talk about the power of the Gospel to transform lives and how some are denying that power.
Puritan Preaching Session 2 | Dr. Mark Minnick
The second session of the 2024 Summer Series on Puritan Preaching with Dr. Mark Minnick.
Puritan Preaching Session 1 | Dr. Mark Minnick
The first session of the 2024 Summer Series on Puritan Preaching with Dr. Mark Minnick.
Church Staffing with David Doran
Ben Edwards and David Doran talk about church staffing.
Anger with Jacob Elwart
Ben Edwards and Jacob Elwart talk about anger and how deal with it biblically.
The Pastors Salary with David Doran
Ben Edwards talks with David Doran about the Pastor’s salary.
Ministering to those Facing Death with Tracy Fressel
Ben Edwards talks with Tracy Fressel about how to best care for church members on their death bed.
Regenerate Church Membership with Mark Snoeberger
Ben Edwards talks with Mark Snoeberger about rengergate church membership.
Believers Baptism with Mark Snoeberger
Ben Edwards and Mark Snoeberger talk about believers baptism.
Giving in the Church with David Doran
Ben Edwards talk with David Doran about giving in the local church.