3 Jan 2012

A Few Good Books

Every three years the DBTS faculty collaborate to produce a Basic Library Booklist for pastors.  Of course, books come out more frequently than every three years, so I thought it might be helpful to reflect publicly on the “must haves” in systematic theology from 2011. Here’s my list, in the order I bought them: John Frame,...
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31 Dec 2011

Careers and Jobs

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This article by Frederica Mathewes-Green has more to do with the problems of feminism and is worth reading, but I thought this section was particularly thought provoking: Take the bad idea that I’m calling “careerism.” I don’t mean by this that women shouldn’t have careers. By “careerism” I mean a half-conscious ideology that holds that...
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29 Dec 2011

"He Had to Be Made Like His Brothers in Every   Way"

The orthodox teaching of the church has always been that Christ is fully God and fully man. Christ was tempted at every point like as we are, but with one exception—unlike us he had no sin nature, and, in fact, did not sin (Heb 4:15): Christ as God could not have sinned. But apart from...
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28 Dec 2011

A Person's Days Are Determined

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According to Job 14:5, “A person’s days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed.” But Northwestern Mutual Life has come up with a calculator that predicts your life span after answering only 13 questions.
23 Dec 2011

Star of Wonder, Star of Light

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One of the major “characters” in the Christmas story is—perhaps surprisingly—a star, one that some wise men follow from the East all the way to Bethlehem. The star makes a brief appearance in Matthew’s gospel (2:2, 7, 9, 10), before passing off the scene (and into nearly every Christmas carol). Have you ever wondered what...
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21 Dec 2011

Facebook Tips

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Here are 12 useful tips for all you Facebook users from the New York Times.
20 Dec 2011

Not Ashamed of the Gospel: The 2012 Student Global Impact Conference

The parent church of DBTS, Inter-City Baptist Church, hosts a conference every second January to stimulate and cultivate interest in foreign missions. The next Student Global Impact (SGI) conference is just two weeks away. Scheduled strategically to accommodate college students between semesters, this conference meets from January 3-5 here in Allen Park, Michigan. See our...
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19 Dec 2011

Surprised by Oxford

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If you’re looking for a book to give for Christmas, you might consider Surprised by Oxford. This is a delightful memoir by Carolyn Weber, a Canadian from London, Ontario. It traces her first year as a graduate student at Oxford University (Oriel College). The title, I assume, is meant to recall C. S. Lewis’s memoir,...
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