Evangelical Theology
Dr. Mark Snoeberger
A historical and theological analysis of the evangelical movement from its 18th-century roots to the present day, with emphasis not only on its evolution, variations, and deviations, but also on shared features that continue to unite those who claim the label..
Textbooks Required:
- Evangelicalism in Modern Britain: A History from the 1730s to the 1980s, by David Bebbington, Baker.
- A History of Evangelicalism, five volume series, edited by David Bennington and Mark Noll, IVP.
- Promise Unfulfilled: The Failed Strategy of Modern Evangelicalism, by Rolland McCune, DBTS.
- The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism, by Carl F. H. Henry, Eerdmans.
Textbooks Recommended:
- The American Evangelical Story, by Douglas Sweeney, Baker.
- The Remaking of Evangelical Theology by Gary Dorrien, WJK.
- Four Views on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism, ed. Andrew Naselli and Collin Hansen, Zondervan.
- Deconstructing Evangelicalism, by D. G. Hart, Baker.
- The New Evangelical Theology, by Millard Erickson, Marshall, Morgan, and Scott.