The following is a list of which courses will be offered, the weeks involved, and the professors
who will teach. Registration is now open in Populi ( Please see your
advisor or contact the Registrar with any questions.
First Session (One-Week Module): May 21–24 (8:00 AM–3:50 PM)
OT530 Haggai and Malachi (2 hours), Dr. Dunham
Room 202
A study of the books of Haggai and Malachi. The intent of this course is to examine the
introductory issues and to develop the message of each book. Attention is also given to
the theological content of each work.
Second Session (Two-Week Module): May 28–June 7 (8:00–11:50 AM)
OT640 Old Testament Theology (2 hours), Dr. Snoeberger
Room 202
A systematic study of the major Bible doctrines from the standpoint of the Old Testament
believer. Since stress in this course is on the progress of revelation, appeals for support to
the New Testament are minimized; discontinuities between OT theology and Christian
theology, however, are targeted for special emphasis.
Third Session (One-Week Module): June 18–21 (8:00 AM–3:50 PM)
CC526 Contextualization (2 hours), Missions Faculty
Room 202
An examination of the process involved with communicating a Christian worldview in a
biblically faithful and culturally relevant manner. Contextualizing the messenger and the
message will be considered. Special attention will be given to self-theologizing in
cross-cultural contexts.