Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary

9 Jan 2013

Seminary Days

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DBTS will be sponsoring Seminary Days this spring on February 28–March 1 and March 14–15. Complete information on Seminary Days 2013, including a brochure and registration form, can be found on the Seminary website.

Students will be able to attend classes, share meals with faculty and students, and tour the facilities of Inter-City Baptist Church (church, school, bookstore, seminary). An optional weekend extension is available for both events, which allows students to attend worship services at Inter-City Baptist Church and have extended exposure to some unique outreach efforts (Wayne State University campus ministry, urban church planting, Muslim outreach).

DBTS will cover all expenses (transportation, housing, meals) of the trip for registered guests, other than a $50 deposit for those needing an airline ticket. Registration deadlines are involved for those who need to fly. Interested persons should contact the Seminary by email at [email protected], or call (800) 866–0111.